Sunday, February 22, 2009

Emmy nominee already

Can you say Emmy award for Hugh Jackman for his opening act? Brilliant!


Anonymous said...

As it turns out, Hugh Jackman also suggested to the Arthur Guinness brewing company (Dublin, Ireland) that they somehow preserve their canned beer in a manner like their keg beer. Seems Hugh was adamant about that fresh, draught taste. As a result; the first innovation in beer technology in over fifty years known as 'the widget' that little CO2 ball in the16 ounce can pours a foamy head that will rival that of your local pub. Thank you Hugh...

Green Clam said...

Are you shitreous? I just did a beer study where people compared what we focused on to the Guinness Widget. I had no idea Wolverine was involved. I also had no idea you made a comment on my blog, but now it makes sense that you were clamoring for more entries the night you left your comment. I've been writing, just not blogging... Will return soon...